What: Post-Graduate Programme in Business Management.
This is a two-year, MBA level, residential programme.
Are you eligible?
-You must have a minimum of 50 per cent marks in a three-year Bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) programme recognised by the Association of Indian Universities/AICTE.
-You can also apply if you complete all the requirements for the degree by June 15, 2005.
Important details
-You must take the XLRI Admissions Test, which will be conducted by XLRI on January 9, 2005. Please register for XAT at www.xlri.edu/xat. This is a must for applying to GIM.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for a group discussion and interview in February 2005.
How to apply
You can apply online and pay the application fee using any of the following methods:
- A demand draft for Rs 850 in favour of the Goa Institute of Management, payable at Panaji. Log on to www.gim.ac.in, register yourself, enter the details of the demand draft and print the payment advice form. Mail this form and the demand draft to the Goa Institute of Management and the prospectus will be sent to you.
- You can pay the fee at a Reliance Webworld near you by registering yourself online and choosing Reliance in the payment details section. Print this payment advice, pay Rs 850 at the counter and get your copy of the prospectus.
For further information please contact
The Admissions Office
Goa Institute of Management
Goa -- 403 006
Phone: (0832) 2444638/ 2444819/820
e-mail: pgp2005@gim.ac.in