What: A Post-Graduate Diploma in Cheminformatics from the Institute of Cheminformatics Studies.
This is a one-year distance learning course.
Are you eligible?
-You must have a bachelor's degree (engineering/sciences/medical sciences/pharmaceutical studies).
-You could apply if you are a chemical engineer/doctor/computer professional or an R&D scientist.
-You could also apply if you are a graduate or post-graduate student in the final year of your study.
-Rs 4,950 (for general candidates).
-Rs 4,500 (for SC, ST, OBC and government employees or physically handicapped candidates).
How to apply
To get the prospectus and application form, please write to
The Institute of Cheminformatics Studies
B-15, Sector-3
UP 201 301
Phone: (0120) 244 2815/16, (011) 3115 5740
e-mail: info@cheminformaticscentre.org
Web site: www.cheminformaticscentre.org
Your letter must be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs 250 (for Indian applicants) or $35 (for international applicants), drawn in favour of Institute of Cheminformatics Studies payable at Delhi/New Delhi.
The last date for receiving the completed application forms is October 30.