What: Admission notice for the Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Construction Management
Where: The National Institute of Construction Management And Research.
Are you eligible?
-You should be a graduate in any branch of engineering/architecture.
-You should be a graduate in any non-engineering discipline with two years experience in the construction business.
-You must have 50 per cent marks in the qualifying exam.
-You must be a foreign candidate possessing equivalent qualifications.
-You can also apply if you are expecting your final year results by October 2005.
Last date of submission of applications: November 10
How to apply
You can get the prospectus and application form from any NICMAR office on payment of Rs 500 by demand draft in favour of NICMAR, Pune.
You can also download the form from www.nicmar.org and send it along with an application fee of Rs 500 by demand draft in favour of NICMAR, Pune.
Completed application forms must be sent to NICMAR Pune.
For more information, contact
25/1, Balewadi
N I A Post Office
Pune -- 411 045
Phone: (020) 27292671, 27292512
e-mail: nicmar@giaspn01.vsnl.net.in
NICMAR Hyderabad
NICMAR's Construction Industry Staff College
NAC Grounds
Kondapur Post Office
Hyderabad -- 500 032
Phone: (040) 23111286, 23111248
e-mail: hyd2_nicmarhb@sancharnet.in
910, 9th Floor, Hemkunt Chambers
89, Nehru Place
New Delhi -- 110 019
Phone: (011) 51618415, 17
e-mail: nicmargr@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in