What: Applications are invited for admission to academic programmes of the Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology, Thiruvananthapuram.
Among the programmes being offered are PhD, DM/MCh, Post-doctoral Certificate Courses, Master of Public Health, Master of Applied Epidemiology, Post-DM/MCh Fellowship and Post-doctoral Fellowship in Biomedical Technology.
Are you eligible?
Please log on to www.sctimst.ac.in to check for eligibility criteria.
General information
-Age limit for PhD, DM/MCh, PDCC and Nursing courses: 35 years as on January 1, 2005.
-Age limit for Diploma courses: 25 years (relaxable by five years for ex-service personnel with a service of not less than five years, SC/ST and sponsored candidates).
-Candidates with more than two failures in the University or equivalent examinations are not eligible for admission.
-Admission will be based on the candidate's previous academic record and performance in the selection tests that will be held in the Institute during November.
-The selection interview for the Master of Applied Epidemiology course will be held in Chennai.
How to apply
You can get an application form and a propectus by writing -- along with a demand draft worth Rs 600 drawn in favour of SCTIMST, Trivandrum (for doctoral, MPH and MAE Programmes) and Rs 250 for other programmes -- to:
The Registrar
Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology
Kerala -- 695 011
Mark your name and address, the course to which admission is sought and details of the demand draft clearly. Application forms are non-transferable.
You can also download the application form from sctimst.ker.nic.in or www.sctimst.ac.in.
Important dates
Last date for issue of application forms: September 30
Last date for receipt of completed forms: October 6