Do you want an IOC scholarship?


September 10, 2004 12:38 IST

What: The Indian Oil Corporation has announced 350 scholarships for students of 10+/ITI, engineering, MBBS and MBA courses.

There will be 100 scholarships for first year engineering, MBBS and MBA students on a national merit basis.

Are you eligible?
-You must be pursuing a full-time course in any of the streams and studying in schools/colleges/institutions/recognised universities.
-You must show proof of admission to school/college/institute/university in 2004-2005.
-To be eligible for the management scholarship, you must be a student of a two-year full-time post-graduate course in business administration/management recognised by the Central/state government/Association of Indian Universities as equivalent to an MBA.
-If you are an MBBS/MBA student or studying in Class XI or the first year of the two-year ITI course. 
-Gross joint income of the family of the candidate from all sources during 2003-2004 should not exceed Rs 1,00,000. Preference will be given to candidates whose family's annual gross income is not more than Rs 60,000.
-Children of IOCL employees, its joint venture and subsidiary companies, and ABC Assessment Services, are not eligible to apply.
-You must be minimum 15 years and maximum 30 years old as on September 1, 2004. 

How to apply
-Please visit the IOCL website at
-Forms can also be filled and submitted online by logging on to Candidates who fill out their forms online need not send forms by post.

The last date for submitting forms is September 30.

For more information please contact
ABC Assessment Services Private Ltd
Post Box No 007
Srinivaspuri Post Office
New Delhi -- 110 065

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