What: The Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai, and the Madurai Kamaraj University offer the following courses:
- PG Diploma in Fund Raising Management
- PG Diploma in Micro Credit Management
The course details
~ Duration of each course: 1 year
~ Class timings: 6 pm to 9 pm
~ The pattern:
- Classroom lectures by internationally trained professionals
- Online study
- Field assignments
- Sponsorship for conferences
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate.
~ Preference will be given to those working with NGOs
How to apply
Send a DD for Rs 200 in favour of Meenakshi Mission Hospital, Madurai.
The application form can also be downloaded from their Web site.
The Academic Director
Meenakshi Mission Hospital & Research Centre
Lake Area
Melur Road
Madurai -- 625 107
Phones: (0452) 2588741, 5392741
e-mail: mmhrc@vsnl.com
Web site: www.meenakshimission.org
The last date for submitting the completed application form is February 5, 2005.