What: Admissions are open to the New Delhi Institute of Management's two-year, full-time Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Management.
It is recognised by the All India Council for Technical Education, HRD ministry, Government of India.
It is accredited by National Board of Accreditation.
The diploma is designed to provide an in-depth understanding of key function areas in Management and covers
- Marketing
- Finance
- Production & Operations Management
- Human Resource Development
- Information Technology
- International Business
- Service Sector
Are you qualified?
~ Selection is based on the candidate's performance in CAT, the Group Discussion and the Interview.
~ Students with good score in XAT, MAT, ATMA, JMAT, GMAT can also apply.
How to apply
~ The application form can be collected from NDIM on payment of Rs 500.
~ It can also be collected by sending a demand draft of Rs 550 in favour of the New Delhi Institute of Management.
~ The form can be downloaded from www.ndimdelhi.org. Please send your DD along with the form.
The last date for the submission of the completed application form is December 31.
61, Tughlakabad Institutional Area
(Near Batra Hospital)
New Delhi -- 110 062
Phones: (011) 29956566-67-68, 55695000-01
Fax: (011) 29956570
e-mail: ndim@nda.vsnl.net.in
Web site: www.ndimdelhi.org