Are you passionate about numbers?


December 17, 2004 11:20 IST

What: The Indian Statistical Institute, the country's premier statistics school, will introduce new courses for the academic year 2005.

The courses will be designed by overhauling ISI's traditional curriculum into industry friendly modules.

ISI Director K B Sinha says the redesigned course modules, spanning six to nine months, will be introduced in the following segments:

  • Manufacturing
  • Service
  • ITES
  • Software

"Through a series of ISI-industry meets, we realised it was time we gave young people a choice and created courses that are not purely intellectual but also guide them towards the market," Sinha said.

ISI's earlier experiments in creating course modules of 'acturial statistics' tailormade for the insurance industry and 'statistical quality control' for the manufacturing sector had proved successful, paving way for the redesigning of its traditional courses. 

The institute will take in 20 industry-sponsored students each for the four new courses in the following locations:

~ The Manufacturing course will be offered at ISI's Chennai centre.

~ The Service course will be offered at ISI's Delhi centre.

~ The ITES course will be offered at ISI's Kolkata centre.

~ The Software course will be offered at ISI's Bangalore centre.

"The services sector has crossed over 50 percent of the GDP and the manufacturing sector has gone down. Similarly, there is a big boom in the insurance and IT sectors. Our courses have been designed keeping an eye on the ever-changing demand of the market," adds Sinha.

Looking at the fresh need for manpower in various other sectors, Sinha says more new courses will be designed soon.

For more information, please contact:

Indian Statistical Institute
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New Delhi -- 110 016

Phone: (011) 26564789


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Indian Statistical Institute
203, Barrackpore Trunk Road
Kolkata -- 700 108
Phones: (033) 25772088, 25773241, 25773243



Indian Statistical Institute,
110 Nelson Manickam Road,
Chateau D'Ampa
Chennai -- 600 029

Phones: (044) 24800118, 24838612


Indian Statistical Institute
8th Mile
Mysore Road
R V College Post
Bangalore -- 560 059

Phone: (080) 28483002-3-4-6, 28430983


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