What: The Uttar Pradesh Film Development Council announces a five-day workshop on the art and science of Film Script Writing.
This workshop is designed for screenwriters, directors, playwrights, copywriters, journalists, actors, producers, television writers, novelists, software writers, film, television and ad executives, animation and CGI wizards and game developers.
Venue: Hotel Radisson, Noida
When: January 3-7, 2005
Speaker: Krishna Shah
Workshop organiser: Govind Nihalani
~ For resident participants: Rs 10,000
~ For non-resident participants: Rs 5,000
~ For non-resident students and film/ television professionals: Rs 2,500
How to apply
Please write to the below address to avail the registration forms:
Film Bandhu, Uttar Pradesh
1-5, First Floor
East Block
Rajya Soochna Kendra
Lucknow -- 226001
Phone: (0522) 2237002
Web site: www.upgov.nic.in
Please send the completed form to the above address.