A trainee programme in oncology


December 14, 2004 10:23 IST

What: The Tata Memorial Hospital invites applications for its six-month Trainee Oncology Programme in various disciplines in oncology.

This programme aims to encourage medical professionals to update their knowledge in oncology along with their careers.

The following specialities will be covered:

~ Surgical Oncology
~ Radiation Oncology
~ Medical Oncology
~ Paediatric Oncology
~ Medical Gastroenterology
~ Pathology/ Cytology
~ Diagnostic Radiology
~ Preventive Oncology
~ Anaesthesia/ Pain Clinic
~ Palliative Care
~ Basic Research Methodologies

How to apply

~ You must be below 35 years of age.

~ You must have a post-graduate qualification (MD or MS) or its equivalent as recognised by the Medical Council of India.

~ You must have up to five years of experience.

~ Please download the application form here.

For further information, please contact:

Medical Courses

Directorate of Medical Education & Research
St George's Hospital Compound
Near CST
Mumbai -- 400 001

Phones: (022) 2262 0363 up to 65

Paramedical courses

P G Section
215, IV floor
Service Block Building
Tata Memorial Hospital
Mumbai -- 400 012

Phone: (022) 2417 7000 ext 4665


Tata Memorial Hospital
Dr E Borges Road
Mumbai -- 400 012

Phone: (022) 24177000, 24146750 upto 55.

The last date to submit completed application forms is January 5, 2005.

e-mail: info@tmcmail.org, tmcit1@vsnl.com

Web site: www.tatamemorialcentre.com

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