What: The Indira Gandhi National Open University invites applications for admission to its one-year Diploma in Computer Integrated Manufacturing.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have a three-year diploma in Mechanical/ Production/ Automobile/ Civil/ Electrical /Computer /Chemical/ Electronics Engineering or its equivalent from a recognised polytechnic.
~ You must be employed in the Government/ Public/ Private sectors or self-employed in an equivalent capacity.
~ There is no age limit.
How to apply
Please obtain the prospectus and application form from the IGNOU headquarters or any of IGNOU's regional centres on weekdays during working hours, on payment of Rs 30.
You can avail the application form by post by sending a demand draft of Rs 80 in favour of IGNOU, payable at the city where it is requisitioned.
You can download the application form from www.ignou.ac.in.
Downloaded forms must be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs 30 to the concerned regional centre.
Downloaded forms must also be accompanied by a demand draft of Rs 80, drawn in favour of IGNOU, payable at the city where concerned regional centre is located.
The last date to submit completed application forms is December 25.
Maidan Garhi
New Delhi -- 110 068
Phones: (011) 2953 5924-32