What: IndSearch invites applications for its two-year, full-time management programmes in
~ Masters degree in Computer Management
This course is designed for graduates in any discipline with an aptitude for software programming and IT skills.
~ Masters degree in Personnel Management
This course is designed for graduates seeking careers in Human Resources with corporates/ consultancies.
~ Masters degree in Marketing Management
This course is designed for graduates seeking marketing careers, and offers MBA level inputs and advanced specialisation in Marketing and Sales.
Are you eligible?
~ You must be a graduate.
~ You must take the AIMS Test for Management Admissions which will be held on February 6, 2005, in important cities across the country.
How to apply
~ Please obtain the application form for Rs 450.
The Indian Institute of Cost and Management Studies and Research
85/1, Law College Road
Pune -- 411 004
Phone: (020) 25431972
Fax: (020) 25433241
e-mail: admissions@indsearch.org
Web site: www.indsearch.org
The last date to submit completed application form is March 10, 2005.