Rising above disability


December 08, 2004 10:24 IST

What: The CavinKare Ability Awards (2004-05) for Achievers with Disability.

The awards celebrate the spirit of individuals who have risen above their disabilities, displayed exemplary courage and triumphed in their chosen fields.

The CavinKare Ability Awards for Eminence (1)

This award salutes the exemplary achievement of an individual with disability who has not only overcome great odds, but has also made a significant contribution to society by being of outstanding service to others.

The award carries a citation, a trophy and a cash prize of Rs 1 lakh.

The CavinKare Ability Mastery Awards (2)

These awars are given to two individuals with disability in recognition of their extraordinary achievement in their chosen field -- fine arts, film, medicine, science, industry, technology, education, community development, human rights, sports and so on.

The awards carry a citation, a trophy and a cash prize Rs 50,000 each.

Are you eligible?

~ Nominees should be Indian citizens and who have proved themselves in their chosen field.

~ For the Award For Eminence, the nominee should have worked in India and in his/ her field of service for a minimum of three years.

~ The result of the nominee's work should be evident and continuing at the time of nomination.

~ The nomination should be for any one category only.

~ A minimum of two references must be cited in the application form.

The selection process

The screening process includes scrutiny and shortlisting on the basis of the nomination details.

Site visits and reference checks by regional representatives will further shortlist the nominees.

An eminent jury will then select the final awardees.

How to apply

The format of the nomination form can be downloaded from www.abilityfoundation.org and mailed to:

CavinKare Ability Awards 2004-05
C/o Ability Foundation
28, Second Cross Road
Gandhi Nagar, Adyar
Chennai -- 600 020

For more details contact awards@canvinkare.com or abilityindia@vsnl.net

Call: (044) 24452400

Web site: www.abilityfoundation.org

The completed nominations, sent only by mail, must reach Ability Foundation on or before December 10.

E-mail, fax or incomplete and late submissions will not be accepted.

The decision of the jury is final and binding.
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