What: The Jaipuria Institute of Management invites applications for its two-year full-time Post-Graduate Diploma in Business Administration programme.
Are you eligible?
~ You must have a three year (10+2+3) University degree recognised by the Association of Indian Universities in any discipline.
~ Candidates who are appearing for their final year degree examination in 2005 can also apply.
How to apply
~ Application forms are available from the institute/ select branches of the IMS Learning Resources Pvt Ltd against Rs 950 in cash or a draft of Rs 1,000 favouring the Jaipuria Institute of Management, payable at Lucknow.
~ Forms can also be downloaded from our Web site www.jiml.ac.in
~ Total seats available: 180
Last date
December 4. Those who do not submit the completed form by this date will not be considered for the group discussion and interview even if they have qualified in CAT.
Jaipuria Institute of Management
Vineet Khand
Lucknow -- 226 010
Uttar Pradesh
Phones: (0522) 2394296-97, 2398096
Fax: 2394295
e-mail: admissions@jiml.ac.in
Web site: www.jiml.ac.in