What: The British Council and the Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, Delhi, invite post-graduate management students to participate in a competition on Corporate Social Responsibility And Leadership.
How to participate
~ Your submission must be limited to 2,000 words.
~ The work should be original, based on field research (interviews, focus group discussions, company documentation, etc).
~ It should be validated by a faculty member.
~ Only one entry per participating institution can be submitted.
Students should
~ Choose one or two organisations in their local community. These organisations could be involved in manufacturing or can offer services. They could be large, medium or small scale organisations.
~ Conduct field research to map the organisation's understanding of CSR, approach towards CSR, drivers in incorporating CSR initiatives and barriers to introducing CSR initiatives.
~ Good or bad practices can be reported.
~ The paper should be presented in the framework of methodology, results and critical conclusions.
The submission
Entries should be submitted in English as a MS Word Document (in double spacing) to Aprajita Mukherjee of the British Council at aprajita.mukherjee@in.britishcouncil.org and Vineeta Duttaroy of the Institute for Integrated Learning in Management, Delhi, at vineeta.duttaroy@iilm.edu.
Prize-winning entries will receive Rs 10,000, Rs 8,000 and Rs 5,000 for first, second and third place respectively.
Last date: December 31