What: A start-up training programme from the ICFAI Business School for those who want to start their own small business.
Are you qualified?
~ You must be a graduate in any discipline.
~ You should be looking to start a business in the IT, IT-enabled or Financial Services Business sectors.
The course
~ Will consist of 15 weekends.
~ Has two modules focusing on the practical aspects of business such as identification of entrepreneurial aptitude, business planning and business management.
~ Regular counselling for start-ups will be provided.
How to apply
~ Collect the application forms against Rs 250 (non-refundable) from the institute.
~ Submit the completed application form by December 4.
~ Discuss the programme with the faculty on December 11.
~ The course fee is Rs 15,000.
~ For further details, please contact:
Cletty Ferreira
IBS, Mumbai
# 71, NIRLON Complex
Eastern Express Highway
Goregaon (East)
Mumbai -- 400 063
Phones: (022) 26850068-73
Fax: (022) 26850066
e-mail: ibsmum@ibsindia.org
Web site: www.ibsindia.org