
2005 is the Year of India, a year when a great civilization began to reclaim its rightful place in the pantheon of major powers.

All over the world — especially in the United States — there is now an incredible buzz about the motherland; that India is the Next Big Thing, the world's emergent superpower.

For years the world thought of India as a backward nation, many of whose people lived in abysmal poverty. But the world has now begun to acknowledge that India is a dynamic democracy with a strong rule of law, whose booming domestic markets offer huge opportunity and whose educational institutions produce thousands of young people every year of uncommon intelligence and quality. The phenomenal success of the Indian-American community has contributed enormously to give India the profile she now deserves in the United States.

Is there someone you believe should be honored for his/her contribution to India's cause in 2005?

India Abroad would like to honor that person as the India Abroad Person of the Year 2005.

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