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 • Boy done good!
   Harsha Bhogle traces the rise of Sachin Tendulkar

 • The best of the best
   Harsha Bhogle on ten years of total domination of Sachin Tendulkar

 • A decade of brilliance
   Watch slide show

 • Sachin Tendulkar in facts and figures
   Mohandas Menon

 • Pros and cons - The Tendulkar debate
Arvind Lavakare and Prem Panicker debate

 • Sachin at Rediff
'A single player cannot win or lose any game'

 • The Maestro-Sachin
Previous Slide Show

Through pictures, statistics, and text, we give you a feel of Tendulkar's ten year reign in international cricket.

Now it's your turn -- to celebrate, analyse, or even damn, as you see fit.

On the link below, tell us about the Tendulkar you see. Your favourite cricketing moment from his life. Your best loved anecdote about the man. Favourite quote. Your rating of Tendulkar the cricketer and captain.

Whatever you feel like talking about, is what we want to hear.

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