In Ahmedabad, don't mention the R-word
Someshwar Pandya still wants to tell the truth!
Fair trial is a human right, says NHRC chief
'India is my country. I'll live here and fight back'
Why did Zaheera Sheikh have to lie?
The Gujarat Riots: A year later
Godhra and the Kashmir Connection
'Peace is above Hindutva'
When a town in Gujarat refused to burn
After the carnage: the predatory 'intelligentsia' -- Rajeev Srinivasan
Vajpayee has lost his moral right -- Saisuresh Sivaswamy
Of Sabarmati secularism & non-violence -- Arvind Lavakare
An irrelevant fury -- Ashwin Mahesh
Godhra, 'secular' 'progressives' and politics -- Rajeev Srinivasan
Déjà vu, all over again -- Varsha Bhosle
Vignettes from the Ides of March -- Dilip D'Souza
Till Retaliation Do Us Part -- Dilip D'Souza
Blaming the Hindu victim -- Rajeev Srinivasan
Anger is no excuse to kill innocents -- Amberish K Diwanji
Without tinder, sparks are useless -- Varsha Bhosle
'All of you want a magic wand in Gujarat' -- Narendra Modi
'The police have failed to find the real culprits' -- Yusuf Abdul Charkha
'There is a realisation that there should be peace in Gujarat' -- K P S Gill
'BJP has communalised Gujarat' -- Ghanshyam Shah
'We are not afraid of the Congress' -- Vijay Kumar Malhotra

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