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March 26, 2004 |



Diary: 'Hara Haara'
'There used to be an explicit anti-Pakistan aggressiveness in celebrating India's victory. Perhaps it will vanish entirely one day, this hatred ingrained in our hearts.'


March 24, 2004 |



Who is your daddy?
All I heard for the next few seconds was the kid giggling with controlled excitement at seeing his father for the first time. Everyone in the bus was looking at me spitefully.


March 16, 2004 |



Daler Mehndi never came back...
He thrashed about the house making funny noises and then simply staged a walkout. No forwarding address, not even a goodbye.


March 12, 2004 |



Goldie Govind Hari!
I was making a sales call on a client at his home. After getting his order and completing my work, I was about to leave when my client suddenly shouts, "Goldie, sit!"


March 11, 2004 |



A doggy tale
Farshid wanted to buy a pug. Mrs Mathews named her price.


March 10, 2004 |



Love bug
In my preoccupied state, I sat behind another lady driver and confidently said, 'Okay, start.'


March 8, 2004 |



An Alsatian roams free...
Morning broke and the swaying green paddies of Kerala loomed into view. The soot-stained brigade got off at Palakkad. Great Uncle's son was eager to rub noses with the dog...


March 4, 2004 |



Car, Car Baby
Sandeep parks his car in front of the main gate so he can keep a watch on it from our office's large windows. He then covers the car gently, securely tying in stray corners, before we finally make it to the first floor where we work.


March 3, 2004 |



No Asians please
'Asians have lived in Dubai for more than 40 years, built some of its finest buildings and hotels. The West only noticed Dubai recently. Yet, white-skinned people exert a huge influence here,' discovers Anishka Mehra.


