Kannada film actress Marrayya Monica Susayraj is the prime accused in the sensational murder of TV production house executive Neeraj Grover, in which she has been arrested along with her naval officer boyfriend, the police has said.
In a reply filed before the Sessions Court, which heard Susayraj's bail plea, police have said that she is the prime conspirator in the case, who had pre-planned the whole attack in revenge, as Grover did not deliver on his promise of giving her a role in Hindi TV serials.
"She had called Grover to her house with the intention of taking revenge," the reply states.
The Sessions Court will be hearing the case on June 17. Both Susayraj as well as Mathew are currently in judicial custody.
After the receipt of the phone records of Susayraj, her boyfriend M L Jerome Mathew and Grover, the police had earlier said that the murder on May 7 was premeditated.
The records suggested that Susayraj called Grover to her home on the night of May 6 and then called Mathew, who was posted at Kochi. Mathew booked air tickets after Susayraj's call and landed in Mumbai the next morning.
A top police officer had later said that Mathew had come to Susayraj's flat just to frighten Grover but it ended up in his murder.
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