Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. The vastness of the religion adds to the desire to learn more about it. However, there have been instances when Hinduism has been presented in a distorted manner, sometimes intentionally or otherwise out of ignorance.
For instance in the United States, sixth grade textbooks, which presented the debunked Aryan migration theory as fact, misrepresented caste as central to Hinduism and left the impression that Hinduism devalued the role of women, were approved despite having been reviewed.
Though Hindu American Foundation won a lawsuit in California on Monday against the State Board of Education in this regard, justice seemed to be delivered incomplete.
California Superior Court Judge Patrick Marlette ruled that the textbook adoption process was 'flawed' and 'illegal,' but withheld an opinion on the violation of the Open Meeting Act, deciding that since the entire process was already 'invalid,' a specific ruling will be redundant.
Marlette also ruled that the "relief" claimed by HAF would be disruptive not only to those affected sixth graders, but every California public school student using any and every textbook adopted under the SBE's unlawful policies.
Do children need to learn such kind of distorted facts? Is Hinduism being correctly depicted in the US? Tell us.