Shiv Sena activists on Thursday damaged one of the pitches at the Punjab Cricket Association Stadium in Chandigarh ahead of an Indo-Pak Test match scheduled to be played next month.
Shiv Sena's Delhi unit president Jai Bhagwan Goyal claimed responsibility for the incident saying it was part of the party's plan not to allow any match to be played in India.
"We will not allow any match to be played till Pakistan stops supporting cross-border terrorism in India", he said.
Sena activists had dug the pitch at the Ferozeshah Kotla Stadium in Delhi in 1999 ahead of the Pakistan team's last full tour of India.
Meanwhle, the Shiv Sena leader warned that if the Pakistan tour was not cancelled forthwith, "pitches at the other venues in Delhi and other parts of north India would face the same fate".
The action was carried out as per the directions of Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray, Jai Bhagwan Goyal claimed in a press release issued in Delhi.
As many as ten activists jumped over from Gate No. 3 of the complex and ran through the spectator stand to reach the playing area.
Punjab Cricket Association treasurer G S Walia said the "damage was minor because the watch and ward staff at the stadium managed to nab the miscreants before they could reach the actual pitch."