The Gujarat Police on Tuesday gunned down four alleged Lashkar-e-Tayiba terrorists in Sardarnagar area of Ahmedabad, who had "come to assassinate" Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, a top official said.
Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime) D G Vanzara told PTI: "The four terrorists were from the suicide squad of LeT and had come to assassinate the chief minister."
Two of the four terrorists gunned down were from Pakistan, he added. One was a woman.
Acting on intelligence reports that terrorists were in the city to assassinate Modi, Crime Branch sleuths intercepted a vehicle at Kotarpur near the city airport and in the ensuing encounter, the militants were killed, Joint Commissioner of Police P P Pandey told PTI.
Last year, a few days before the Rathyatra, crime branch had shot dead two members of Chhota Shakeel gang, who had allegedly come to assassinate BJP leaders Ashok Bhatt and Bharat Barot.
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