The Bharatiya Janata Party has accused Prime Minister Manmohan Singh of being a "mute spectator" in the ongoing spat between Union Ministers Lalu Prasad and Ram Vilas Paswan.
On Wednesday, the main opposition party asked the PM to drop both of them and order investigations into the charges they were levelling against each other.
"The prime minister should not remain a mere spectator to the ongoing war of words between his ministers. He should obtain the files, which Lalu Prasad says is enough to nail Paswan on corruption charges. And if the rilway mnister is not telling the truth, he should be dropped," BJP parliamentary party spokesman V K Malhotra told reporters in New Delhi.
Malhotra charged the two ministers with eroding the dignity of Parliament and the Cabinet.
Taking strong exception to Rashtriya Janata Dal's raising the issue of charges against BJP president L K Advani by his estranged daughter-in-law Gauri, Malhotra said the responsibility for the "smooth functioning" of Parliament was on the shoulders of the ruling coalition.
Malhotra, however, appeared appreciative about the Congress "keeping itself out" of the RJD protest.