Salman must pay!
Readers on Bollywood's enfant terrible
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Is Salman Doomed?
Tue Oct 1 09:56:51 2002
Your Views:Well Accident do happen. But running away after being involved in one and leave people behind to die is another thing. If he had stay there and had he rushed the injured to a hospital, this would have been a different story. But nobody knows how his brains work? He should be charged with HIT-N-RUN. But knowin the liers...oops lawyers and the law in India, I will be surprised if he flies free..........
Tue Oct 1 10:03:03 2002
Country:San jose, USA
Your Views:Beating up women, running down pavement dwellers, abusing everyone....Salman should start acting in VILLAIN roles
Tue Oct 1 08:01:39 2002
Name:Ron Singh
Country:Chicago, USA
Your Views:I do not trust the Indian justice system. Filthy trash like Salman Khan have a tendency of bribing the system and getting away. This piece of trash, Salman Khan, has violated the law too many times. Ideally, he should be either imprisoned for life, stripped of all his rights or be subjected to capital punishment. he does not deserve to live since he has taken away people's lives. I hope that for once, the Indian
justice system will be fair!
Tue Oct 1 08:14:36 2002
Country:Melbourne, Australia
Your Views:Its about time someone takes these Bollywood reckless bunch to task. First Puru Raajkumar now Salman, these guys haveno value for human lives and know that they can get away with murder so they just relax even after killing a person. If at the age of 36 he cant manage his personal life then he should think of getting some help from somewhere or just admit himself in an asylum for mentally challenged.
Tue Oct 1 08:34:42 2002
Country:Chennai, Tamilnadu
Your Views:Salman Khan should not be allowed to get away with his latest crime of driving his vehicle over three people sleeping in the pavement and killing one after maiming two others. People should boycott his films and I he should be driven out of his business and no producer should book him for ever. At least I have decided not to see his films anymore.
Tue Oct 1 08:41:02 2002
Name:Sanjeev A.
Country:Ruston, LA
Your Views:Salman has gone bonkers, crazy & he needs to get some treatment. Looks really dont matter, all that matters is humanity.
Tue Oct 1 08:49:18 2002
City, Country:Chicago, USA
Views:Just throw him in Jail. He is a moron and we should not give him any attention.
Tue Oct 1 08:50:22 2002
Country:San Francisco, USA
Your Views:What can you say either than Ram Banaye Jodi. In this case, Salman and his sathi "trouble". For someone who has always treated women like his doormat, it is no surprise that he is getting his just rewards from Aishwarya. I am hoping that he never makes a decent comeback because he is no longer the actor who would be able to pull in the crowds because of his good looks. Hrithik, Arjun Rampal, Dino Morea are some of the guys that look far better than Salman on the screen and will ensure that Salman reamins forgotten. I may be irrational on someone whom I only know through Bollywood movies and gossip columns. I never to take these articles seriously but I now believe from this incident that what they are writing is indeed true. This shorty (what is he 5 feet 4 inches) deserves a big kick up his arse and I would applaud it if Aishwarya does the honors.
Tue Oct 1 09:12:11 2002
Your Views:he should be punished according to law.govt shouldnot allow him to escape. otherwise he will involve in many other cases.
Tue Oct 1 09:16:08 2002
Name:Sunil. K.
City, Country:Edmonton, Canada
Views:"No one in the world is above the Law." He shoud be punished for
his actions and ir-resposibility
Tue Oct 1 09:23:16 2002
Country:hyderabad, India
Your Views:Hey what's
happening? A man is dead and the killer is having his freedom outside. Come on guys, there is a loss of one human being by the negligent so called star of bollywood. Hey the dead guy is a son, husband, father, brother, chacha, mama to someone. Salman took away him from all those people. He has to be punished and must brought to justice and must be a good lesson to all those big-shot people who drive their cars disregarding poor peoples safety.
Tue Oct 1 09:33:39 2002
City, Country:Austin,USA
Views:What gives ,Salman the right to take somebodys life.He should be punished for the crime he committed.Everybody is equal in the eye of law,everywhere in the world(but thats not applicable in India).
Tue Oct 1 09:39:28 2002
City, Country:Allahabad, India
Views:Salman Khan himself has confessed to the police that he was driving the car. I don't know how his lawyers can freely allege that it was his driver that was driving at the time. Nevertheless, Salman Khan should be
punished as any other citizen would be.
Tue Oct 1 06:00:08 2002
Country:sunnyvale, USA
Your Views:its very sad to
learn about the accident and one person dead. but its more sad to read that how for just 950 rs one can get bail for a hit and run accident. salman khan should be man enough to admit his mistakes and take responsiblity for it and not run
with it... the indian cops should not be biased for film actors. the person dead is also a human being and for no mistakes of his he is a dead man today..
Tue Oct 1 06:03:52 2002
Your Views:Law isn't equal for everybody, this is very sad that such people can get around with whatever they do. He should be put behind bars on killing an innocent person but I'm sure that
he will set free and this will continue as we are never going to learn.
Tue Oct 1 06:13:03 2002
City, Country:seatac u s a
Views:if he killed a man then he will be in big problem.black money case all willmake him doomed.
Tue Oct 1 06:14:31 2002
Your Views:who cares if he is doomed or not ,he is no celebrity and he should be treated as a commoner and be given the same punishment as a common man.He is worse common man is much better.only we know he has killed one man and god knows how many he has killed
Tue Oct 1 06:15:13 2002
Your Views:Why are we talking about the future of this rich guy. It should be the responsibility of the press to bury their careers when the courts can't do. What about the future of the
families who were affected by this accident.Where is the justice for the one guy who was dead. How could such a rich person get a bail for Rs 950. The public should boycot the movies of people like Snajay Dutt and Salman Khan
Tue Oct 1 06:37:43 2002
Country:CA, USA
Your Views:I don't care about Salman's personal life. All I care is, he has to pay for his mistake! There is no way to hide! Bring justice! Or next time anyone can run over on anyone and
pay 950 Rs to be free...!
Tue Oct 1 06:44:07 2002
Your Views:Indian judicial system must protect the rights of the ordinary poor people. I expect more compassion for the helpless poor people. I hope India must value individual right irrespective of social status of the people. Equality in justice and equal value of every human life must be the social mantra of modern India.
Tue Oct 1 06:44:50 2002
Country:Santa Clara, USA
Your Views:I just have one thing to say. In India, MONEY TALKS. So you and I both know what will happen to Salman Khan.
Tue Oct 1 06:54:41 2002
Your Views:Its Shameful If whatever is reported in your website is true, then Indians need to take learning from this & make sure nobody gets around with justice... I mean nobody... & Salman Khan in my eyes is just another man who acts for earning his bread... Nothing great about... Probably more sweat & blood is lost by a person who works on daily wages. If Salman doesn’t help these poor folks... It’s a shame on him.
Tue Oct 1 07:14:27 2002
Country:somewhere in da world
Your Views:first and foremost he should generously compensate the deseased and should pay all the hosp costs for his poor victims and he should compensate them too and then he should ask for Gods mercy..... and this should be an eye opener for him and from now on he should become extremely humble and donate some of his time and money to charities and pledge not repeat any of these mistakes again.
Tue Oct 1 07:19:17 2002
Your Views:Where is your heart, rediff personnel? How could you start a discussion on Salman's career when he has taken life of a person. You would have started a discussion saying, "How do you think, Salman will get way from law once again". There should not be any absolution for such a brutal murderer(He killed deers before, as if not enough he is killing human)
Tue Oct 1 07:34:41 2002
Country:Perth, Canada
Your Views:What hypocrisy. When Salman killed an innocent animal in 1998 everyone wanted him freed. Why does everyone want to crucify him now ? Is the life of an animal less important than a human's ? We were not there to know what happened. Lets not straightaway jump to conclusions. In this land where lawyers can act like pimps for money how difficult is it to buy witnesses ? It is Aishwarya Rai who should be crucified for her outbursts to TOI magazine which is what seems to have led to this outrage. If Salman beat her up then why did she not complain to the police and have him arrested ?
Tue Oct 1 07:46:42 2002
Your Views:Actors, as all people in the public eye,play a role model in society; he should not get away with killing human beings. The law should throw the book at him. That is the only way people will trust the law.
Tue Oct 1 07:49:38 2002
Country:Mumbai, India
Your Views:Doomed! What do you mean? He has enough money which will buy him the police and politicians. He will throw a couple of thousands to the injured and the kin of deceased. We the public will forget it after a few days. Long live democracy (for, by and of the people), justice (satyameva jayate) and the corrupt police and politicians. Mera Bharat is indeed a Mahan
Tue Oct 1 07:53:03 2002
City, Country:New York, USA
Views:This reckless clown should be locked behind the bars for ever. People like him think that they are above the law and they can buy out anyone. Killing a person is a serious crime and then fleeing from the scene is even bigger a crime. I jut can't believe that he got away with a bail of Rs.960!!! It is relly shameful that high profile people can get awya with murders.(anyone remember late Raj kumar's son - he killed about 6 people while driving under influence of alcohol)
Tue Oct 1 07:58:15 2002
Name:Ron Singh
Country:Chicago, USA
Your Views:I do not trust the Indian justice system. Filthy trash like Salman Khan have a tendency of bribing the system and getting away. This piece of trash, salman Khan, has violated the law too many times. Ideally, he should be either imprisoned for life, stripped of all his rights or be subjected to capital punishment. he does not deserve to live since he has taken away people's lives. I hope that for once, the Indian
justice system will be fair!
Tue Oct 1 04:42:18 2002
Country:San Jose, USA
Your Views:Salman is now dangerous for the society so he and Sanjay Dutt should be jailed forever.
Tue Oct 1 04:43:13 2002
City, Country:San Jose, CA,
Your Views:This is a criminal offense. He should pay for it by jail time (or) community service.
Tue Oct 1 04:47:11 2002
Your Views:HE SHould pay the price for
killing a human being. LIFE IMPRISONMENT
Tue Oct 1 04:47:49 2002
Your Views:I believe each and every
citizen of the country needs to abide by the law, and offenders should be
prosecuted to the full extent of law.
Tue Oct 1 04:58:31 2002
Country:Detroit, USA
Your Views:Salman is a spoilt brat. Its time he and other spoilt brats of Politicians and film stars learn to obey the law. Let Salman be tried like an ordinary man, without his celebrity status and let this be a warning to all the brats.
Tue Oct 1 04:59:37 2002
Name:Ashwin Raj
Country:Fremont, CA, USA
Your Views:At this point I don't care about Salman's career. I am surprised that Rediff is mocking the death of a person by trying to analyze whether Salman's career will be affected. Salman, either directly or indirectly, was responsible for someone getting killed. If he get's away without being held accountable (which is extremely likely) then at least the movie-going public should express their displeasure
and boycott his movies. Please,let us find justice for the poor person who was killed and worry about Salman's histrionic future later. Sincerely, Ashwin
Tue Oct 1 05:13:07 2002
City, Country:Chennai, India
Views:Who the hell cares about a man's "scattered life" or his burnout of a career. He killed someone, as simple as that. As per the law, he has got to pay the penalty. Isn't that what the law is for?
Tue Oct 1 05:29:14 2002
Country:NY, USA
Your Views:this article just made me feel bad for salman khan. I just wish that salman khan see some doctor and get rid of those fantasies. this is not his love for RAI but his ego that
somebody is saying NO to him is killing him from inside. Please sallu. you are also a human being not any god. you better know this before you completely ruin yourself. you still have time
Tue Oct 1 05:50:02 2002
City, Country:Vancouver, Canada
Your Views:Put him behind bars. He doesn't enjoy immunity from law... nobody does. If he is found to be the culprit (may driving drunk), then he should be punished. In any case he should be made to pay compensation to all the victims, the dead and the injured. One more chance for India to show that law prevails.
Tue Oct 1 05:52:30 2002
City, Country:Bangalore, India
Your Views:In this country. Justice against a personality!! Are you joking? Never. Personalities are born in India to relish committing crime and enjoy
their life.
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Is Salman doomed?
Readers' opinion on Salman
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