What: Applications are invited from highly motivated students with MSc (in Physics/ Electronics/ Astronomy/ Applied Mathematics) or BE/ BTech/ ME/ MTech (any branch) degree, with consistently good academic record, for research scholarship (to do PhD) at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune or National Centre for Radio Astrophysics of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (NCRA - TIFR, an autonomous Institute under the Department of Atomic Energy), starting in August 2009.
Selection to research scholarship is through a written test and interviews.
This is in addition to the selection through the usual JEST - 2009. Students likely to finish their degree by August 2009 are especially encouraged to apply.
Candidates can download the complete application set (consisting of Application Form (two pages), two Assessment Forms (each of two pages), and Admit Letter (One Page), all in A4 size paper) by visiting the website https://www.iucaa.ernet.in/~inat or https://www.ncra.tifr.res.in/~inat.
However, application set can also be obtained by writing to: INAT-2008, The Coordinator, Core Programmes, IUCAA, Pune University Campus, Post Bag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007, Maharashtra, along with a self-addressed sheet of paper (approximate size 15cm x 10 cm.) with postage stamp of Rs 15/- affixed on it. For detailed information, please visit the above websites.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to take the written test, and all out-station candidates who are invited to take the written test will be paid travel support as per rules.
Important dates
- Request for printed (hard copy) application set of forms to reach IUCAA by September 29, 2008.
- Last date to receive the filled in application set is October 10, 2008
- The Admission (written) test will be held on December 18, 2008.
- Short-listed candidates will be interviewed on December 18 and/or 19, 2008.