KIIT University opens KIIT National Law School


August 06, 2007 17:59 IST

What: KIIT National Law School (KNLS) at KIIT University Bhubaneswar, Orissa is opening and offers admissions to its various programmes. 



~ On the pattern of National Law Schools, KIIT National Law School is being established by the KIIT with comparable curriculum and superior facilities.


~ KIIT National Law School invites application from candidates for admission into its Five Year Integrated BA LLAB, BSc LLB and BBA LLB and Three Year LLB programmes


Number of seats:


~  BA LLB 40

~  Bsc LLB 40

~  BBA LLB 40

~  LLB 40



~ Five Year Integrated LLB: Pass in 10+2 or equivalent in any stream with at least 50% marks.


~ For BSC LLB candidates should have passed 10+2 or equivalent in science stream with at least 55% marks.


~ Three Year LLB: Graduation in any discipline with at least 55% marks in Arts/social Science stream and 60% marks in Science Stream.



~Admission will be through a common All India Entrance Test of two hours duration. The Entrance Test shall consist of multiple type questions and short answer type questions to test Legal Acumen, Linguistic Skills, Logical & Analytical Reasoning, Mathematical & Numerical Ability and General Knowledge. The test will be held in the following 15 centres through out India: Bhubaneswar, Berhampur, Rourkela, Jamshedpur, Ranchi, Bokaro, Kolkata, Patna, Delhi, Lucknow, Varanasi, Bangalore, Vishakhapatnam, Chennai and Guwahati.


How To apply:

Application can either be submitted on prescribed application form or made online. Prospectus alongwith application form is available from University Counter and designated branches of Allahabad Bank (log on to for the list) on payment of Rs 500 at University Counter and Rs 520 at Bank Counters. Click below links or log on to for instructions on online application.


Important dates


Last date for submission of Application Form: 16 August

Date of Entrance Examination 26 August, 2007

Declaration of Result:  5 September

Admission / Seat Allotment: 10 September 2007


The prescribed Application form should be submitted by person/post to the
Admission Coordinator, KNLS,
KIIT Koel Campus (Campus-I),
Bhubaneswar -- 751 024, Orissa.

Website: provides information about admissions as a service to our readers. does not benefit financially by providing this information.

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