What: Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, invites applications for admission to its various M Phil-PhD programmes.
Programmes list
- M Phil and PhD in Health Systems Studies
- M Phil and PhD in Management and Labour Studies
- M Phil and PhD in Social Sciences
- M Phil and PhD in Social Work
Are you eligible?
~ For details of eligibility criteria, admission procedure, curriculum and fees, please visit https://www.tiss.edu/.
Important dates
~ For PhD (winter session), please send in your completed application form before January 31.
~ For PhD (summer session), please send in your completed application form before April 16.
~ For M Phil (2007-2009), please send in your completed application form before April 16.
How to apply
~ Obtain the application form by sending a request letter to the Deputy Registrar (Gen Admn), along with a demand draft of Rs 550 in favour of the Registrar, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, payable at Mumbai.
~ Or, from the cash counter at TISS, Mumbai, against cash payment of Rs 500.
~ You may also download the form by visiting https://www.tiss.edu/.
Tata Institute of Social Sciences
VN Purav Marg
Mumbai -- 400 088
Phones: (022) 25561548, 25507486
e-mail: pgadmissions@tiss.edu
Web site: https://www.tiss.edu/
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