"); if (score > 60 && score <= 80) mypopup.document.write("Result

Your score is "+score+"

You suffer from a touch of Men-Are-From-Mars Women-Are-From-Venus syndrome. Members of the opposite sex fascinate you, you’d like to be with them, but you don’t quite know how or what to do in their company. There’s only one solution -- hang around them as much as you can… you’ll eventually figure them out (or maybe not, but at least you’ll have fun). "); if (score > 80) mypopup.document.write("Result

Your score is "+score+"

You’re a dating delight –- warm, friendly and gregarious. You find most people, especially members of the opposite sex, interesting, charming, attractive. The feeling is entirely mutual! "); mypopup.document.close(); mypopup.focus(); }


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Home > Get Ahead > Living > Relationships

September 21, 2004

Do you believe in storybook romances or do you simply accept love at face value?

When you are in love, do your emotions go into overdrive or you feel a sense of
comfortable satisfaction?

Take this short test to see how you score on the Romance Barometer.

1. At a party, you...
Hang around with people you already know.
Try and get to know people you've never met.
Find a nice, cosy corner and observe the rest of the animals party.

2. Would you go on a blind date?
Never! I'm not that desperate!
Maybe, if I get a detailed CV first.
Why not? Who knows around which corner my dream        man/woman is waiting?

3. Someone you are interested in asks you out. You...
Make some excuse and refuse the date, hoping s/he will take        your 'no' for a 'yes'.
Act as if s/he has made an indecent proposal.
Accept the date warmly and happily.

4. A friendly stranger on a bus tries to strike up a conversation with      you. You...
Mumble in monosyllables and look for the first opportunity to        get off.
Freeze the person with an icy glare and walk off.
Make pleasant, easy conversation.

5. Members of the opposite sex
Scare you. They are exotic, fascinating creatures from another
       planet whom you would like to but don't know much about.
Delight you. The more the merrier. They brighten your existence.
Bore you. Most of them anyway. The ones who don't are already


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