Citizens report: Buddhadeb is best bet


April 06, 2006 17:31 IST

West Bengal

Buddhadeb is best bet

Come the month of May and the feeble likeness of Indian Democracy that lives in West Bengal will once again bite the dust under the jackboots of Communism. In these elections, the Left Front is in for a major upswing in voteshare, chiefly because Opposition voters have lost the faith that their vote can make a difference. What is happening is that Opposition voters are queing up to vote in fewer numbers with each passing election; nothing is so unfortunate in a democracy as when people cease to believe that they have the power to change the government. On top of that, with every election experience, the Left is finetuning its superb rigging brigade, which is most certainly the best in business. The situation in Bengal is grim; what was once the very soul of India's political consciousness has been reduced to a barren state where independent thought can no longer thrive. In spite of this the best bet for the people is to have Buddhadeb back in saddle, because he is the only man who can do for Bengal what Gorbachev did for Russia. As such, even though the Left toys shamelessly with reality and deception in its "perverted and sadistic" relationship of mutual distrust with the UPA, Bengal can look to freedom from the yoke yet. 

Abhishek Banerjee

The dilemma of West Bengal

The dilemma of whether to vote for the Marxists or not for the non-marxist voter is today a reality?

The reason is simple. Between Buddhadeb Babu and Mamatadi, people would prefer Buddha Babu, anyday.

But, if there were an alternative, the Marxists certainly would not have had a cake walk.

The Marxists, so to say, are the better of the two devils. Or one would like to believe so. A tinge of doubt remains though.

I wish the election commission would give us the alternative "None of the above"

Ramesh Kumar Ruia

Mockery and sham

It's a tragedy that we in Bengal have seen the daylight murder of democracy for the last three decades or so.The definition of democracy here encompasses scientific rigging, voter intimidation, labor extremism, politicization of institutions and a general culture of no-work only pay.Only divine intervention can save this state and nothing else.

No amount of democratic exercise of franchise by geniune voters will be able to match up the thousands and thousands of fictitous citizens that emerge on polling day and then disappear into obscurity. This is probably the only example of its kind in the pantheon of democracies worldwide.

To be fair our present CM is a million times better than his immediate predecessor who single-handedly destroyed Bengal.

To add insult to injury , CPM's B team the Congress party, under Madam, refused to form a coalition with the other opposition parties which will ensure a 7th term for the Communists. Looks like the arrangement is a perfect quid pro quo to everyone here in Bengal."Will not rock your boat as long as you dont rock mine".

This mockery and sham will continue to play out like an old gramaphone record. The only formality will be Mr. Karat and family making the customary appearances on TV post victory to claim how the state's denizens have reposed their faith in the wonderfully efficient government that they run.

As for me as a very common man, my role will be to go out and vote for CHANGE and also try and mobilize others to see through this "GREAT MARXIST FACADE".

Management professional

Kolkata can appreciate good work

There is no need to conduct Elections in West Bengal as the ruling left front will get the mandate once again. For the first time even Kolkata wants to vote for the Left Front because of Mr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharya. Yes, the Left front had won the seats in Kolkata for the first time in the last assembly elections, but that was a vote against Ms. Banerjee's tie up with congress. Otherwise this city in Bengal has never voted for the left front, but will do this time. This shows that Kolkata is not always in a mode of protest but can also appreciate good work, and if the CM is going on the right track the citizens of Kolkata are supporting him.    

Manish Dubey

Battle for Burdwan

In Burdwan South Constituency Samir Roy, Trinamul Cong. is contesting against reigning heavyweight Cabinet Minister of CPM Party Nirupam Sen. Samir Roy is now a Municipal Counsilor. So far inspite of full efforts from the cadres of the Rulling Party they couldn't defeat him. It's presumed that Mr Roy will give a tough fight to the Minister if free and fair Election takes place. Mr. Roy is very popular in Burdwan and known for his unimpeachable honesty and integrity. Let us look forward to 3rd May when the polling is scheduled.

Asadul Islam


A battle of prestige

The election suitation at Mankada assembly, Malappuram district is heating up. This election is a prestige contest for both LDF and UDF parties. Here main battle is among the well known face and the sitting MLA, M ALi of LDF and present PWD minister Dr  M K Muneer of IUML(UDF). Both of them have a clean image among the voters, nobody can complain anything against both the candidates. Sitting MLA M Ali is well know among the voters of the constituency by his close relation with the people. And he had done a lot of things for the constituency even if he was on the opposite side. For IUML their clean image leader Muneer is the strength, he was one of the best minister of Kerala, but peoples from Mankada doesn't have a direct relation with him and he is from another district.

The advantage with the sitting MLA M Ali is, he is living in the middle of the constituency and peoples can meet him directly with their problems without any help of local party members or any type of recommendation. It was a UDF strong constituency and LDF won only twice from this place. And the general trend in the state in favor of LDF will bring more advantage for the LDF candidate here. The newly added 25000 votes will play a big role in the decision of the winning candidate here. I think the strongest contest is going on this place among all of the 140 constituencies and peoples all over from Kerala is looking for the result of Mankada constituency.

Software engineer

BJP will open its account

Kerala will surely see a significant change in its political history. BJP will open its account. Chances of BJP winning is more in one of the place- Manjeshwar/kasaragod/Palakkad.

But surely they will not gain more than one seat.

Its a communist rule awaiting Kerala. Cong/UDF is going face a nasty defeat this time.

Software engineer

Many factors affect the result

Elections in Kerala have always been against the ruling parties. Similar things are likely to expect this year too. But there are a lot of factors which are going to affect the results.

If we see the earlier elections held in State (Earlier than the Last Assembly Election) we can see that the difference between the UDF and LDF were hardly anything to cheer about. It was always less than 5% in terms of the vote share.

But what it has happened in that last few elections have resembled Tamil Nadu verdicts. In the assembly elections held in 2001, the UDF came to power destroying the LDF credibility of fighting for the people's cause. Almost 100 seats were won by the UDF out of the 144. But in the Lok Sabha elections held after three years this reversed. If we calculate in terms of the Assembly seats it would be whopping seats of around 120 seats out of the 144. In both these elections the difference between the UDF and the LDF rose up to around 10%. This had alarmed both the parties. But, the ruling UDF always had problems with its internal groups. This meant the formation of DIC (K) which has a lot of support of the grass-root congressmen. This resolves down the problems to the following issues.

1. The last minute "Bhai-Bhai" proclamation of the Congress and DIC(K) -- Up to what extend they can influence the people of Kerala. The ability of K Karunakaran to hold together his disciples will decide the fate UDF.

2. The Break-Up in INC and the DIC(K) for the alignment after the elections. It has caused quite a concern for both the parties. The rebels that have seemed to come against the coalation can make small impacts. As most of the seats are decided in few thousands of votes, that definitel will take its toll.

3. The ability of Muslim League to hold its forts. As the LDF had for the first time in the history of Kerala Elections the LDF managed to win a Seat totally held by the Muslim League. The inability of Muslim League to cater to the needs of the Muslim population. The LDF has made strong effect in malappuram, the strength hold of Muslim League by conducting the State Conference in that lace.

4. The Kerala Elections have always been decided by the minorities in the state. (Almost 45% of the Kerala population is Muslims and Christians) The ways in which the Communist parties have been treated by the Christians in the last elections have made the equations turn strongly for the LDF. Remember that an LDF candidate won the votes of Christians to win a seat in the Alappuzha Lok Sabha. This makes it easier for the LDF to pitch it against the UDF.

5. The problems faced by the LDF in its ranks have taken back some of the advantages that was gained by them. But by the effective leadership of Prakash Karat (though at first it didn't seem so), a Keralite himself has turned things towards the LDF. Though there is still an opposition, Election falls as the first priority to this Cadre party. They would look forward to the Opposition leader V.S. Achuthananthan to take the ship forward. But what is to look forward is will this Cadre party be able to hold onto the younger generation who questions them regularly for their lack of support to the development activities that the UDF has taken up. Though the policy of socialism falls good on the books but, what Kerala essentially want is a little more advancement in the thinking of Communist leaders. The encouragement of the Unionism in Kerala has to have a rethink. This should start from the Top level eliminating the corruption at the top level. The ranks of the LDF should understand one thing if, they can follow up the Election with a change in the attitude towards development. They can easily out class the UDF for years together, whom the people gave whopping majority has failed miserably. The rebels against LDF doesnt seem to stronger as the main party in LDF is a Cadre party which is known for its dicipline.

6. Last but not least the votes that would be gained by the BJP, is going to play the maximum amount of influence in this election. They have in all possibility fielded the strongest persons like Rajagopal for the first time in Assembly Elections. This would make both UDF and the LDF to think a lot in their strategies.

Thus, for the first time in the history of Kerala Elections the Results can be said but, not exactly.

Benny Rajan

Mala in Dilemma

Mala Legislative Assembly in Kerala is the stronghold of Mr.Karunakaran.He won five times in a row from that place and never lost. The place has always voted for him irrespective of party and politics. One of the Congress bastions in that region is Annamanada Panchayat from where the present MLA T U Radhakrishnan is hailing. He was a great supporter of Karunakaran but switched to Congress when DIC was formed. The mood of the people is anti-Congress as they feel most of the present Congress workers had ditched Karunakaran .He has got many loyalists in that region and it will be an uphill task for Congress to uproot him from that place. DIC is sure to have a seat from that place as it was evident from the local Panchayat elections held last year when most of the Ex-Karunakaran loyalists were defeated and DIC candidates won.

Prajit S Nair
Research engineer

UDF is down

In Thiruvananthapuram it appears that the Congress led UDF is having a low key affair. The rank and file of the congress had failied miserably to project the effort and results of the brilliant and  hyper active CM Ommen Chandy, where as the miniscule of a failure of the government has been highlighted by the LDF to the core. The riduculing face of Achuthanandan with his mocking tone was the daily routine of the day punctuated with the greedy faces of Karunakaran and his son seeking every opportunity to defame Ommen Chandy. The congress is only a mass party is aptly proved here where every one can walk in at his ease with no discipline or commitments. It may be recalled that A K Antony publicaly announced that unity is more important than the discipline. The people of Kerala is yet to hear a more stupid remark than this. This he had made to woe back Karunakaran back to Congress. In such a scenaio how one can expect the UDF will come back to power. If at all it happens it will be only on the charisma of Ommen Chandy and nobody else. 

I I Joseph

Useless CM

After 5 years of LDF rule at Kerala which ended on 2001, the UDF came with a thumping majority of 100 seats out of 140. The state was in turmoil and was at the verge of collapse. This rude shock suffered by the LDF at the hands of the people of Kerala was an eye-opener for them. The cadre system of the communists at the helms of affairs of LDF came very handy for their resurrection. They left no stone unturned during the next five years from 2001 onwards. Their propoganda machine worked overtime and not a single day has passed without a dharna or gatecrash at the secreterait gate of Thiruvananthapuram. This has further facilitated by the greedy father and  son duo of Kerala, the K family with their stupid and arrogant behaviour and remarks. The UDF with Mr Antony as CM has sheepishly tolerated, the more they tolerated the more they were taken for a ride.

Mr  Antony has proved to be one of the most useless CMs of the state and he was very rightly thrown out of the administration. The agressive and hyper active Ommen Chandy has taken control of the state and started the cleaning process. As Dale Carneige has rightly said "no one ever kick a dead dog" and the LDF have to point their empty guns to Ommen Chandy. Achuthanandan and his cohorts along with the K family started a frontal assault on Mr Chandy but nothing happened, he stood firm. He has evolved a well conceived and forthright development plans and Mr Achuthanadan with his old and backward mind played all the tricks of the trade.

But the saddest part was that all these years the rank and file of Congrss was a mute spectator, they just could not organise a single counter move against the well oiled false propogandas of LDF. Indiscipline is the hall mark of Congress, but the dashing Ommen Chandy could still hold the fort in spite of all the hurdles. The greatest failure of UDF is that they could not show off their hard-earned achievements before the public. The general public has seen mostly the ridiculing face and the stretched and compressed talk of Mr Achuthanadan, as if he is the super intelligent and all the general public is simple idiots. The congress party of Kerala need to be reorganised at war footing with the tit for tat attitude. If there is a violent dharna against the government there should be atleast two peaceful dharnas highlighting the achivements of government.

Let us hope the high personality of Ommen Chandy will make a diffrence.   

I I Joseph

A strange wicket

God's own country is again in to election.People here love election and unlike other states Kerala is a strange wicket.CPM and congress are hand in hand at center and are fighting like enemies here at state. Does people who really say they are 100% literate have some commonsense. If they have nobody will vote this time. My few questions as a common man

CPM has a corporate culture and has their own A/C party malls, hitech digital channel and posh bungalows adjacent to party HQ for state committee members

Congress in turn has more democracy in making money, right from the lower level to the KPCC leaders make money when they are in power

20 MPs from the state support the central government but the benefits for the state from center doesn't come here compared to TN and Karnataka.

Secularism and Gujarat are one among the key topics for the state assembly election in Kerala. but nobody is there to point the terrorist activities going on in North kerala or the Marad riots

LDF give two option either to choose 4th standard educated VS who reads english paper upside down like one Kerala congress leader commented or Paloli who is more  close to the politics king Pinarayi

Karunakaran if we borrow his  own words has "eated what he has ommitted" once his son got a seat in Koduvalli

If God is really grateful Rajagopal who brought lot of trains till south TVM central and doubled lot of lines across kerala may win or will satisfy with a glorious 2 and "secularists" will say kerala is very much secular and kerala assembly again may be convened to release people like Madani, Naushad etc but there won;t be anyone to speak for poor Maniyappans from kerala

Yes what ever be the election result, Kerala is playing glorified minority appeasement sponsored by both LDF and UDF

Keralame kezhuka

Anand Padmanabhan
IT proffessional

Hindus will vote against UDF

LDF will win the election in Kerala and BJP may open the account in Kerala. Hindus in Kerala will generaly  vote against UDF. In the last 4 years 90% of the schools and colleges allocated were given to muslims and christians. Life of Hindus in kerala have become miserable. BJP will use this to their advantage to open their account in the state.

Suresh Manohar

Tamil Nadu

JJ all the way

Over the past 5 years she has handled situations boldly like the government staff strike, killing of the sandalwood smuggler Veerappan, handling tsunami and Chennai/TN flash floods last year, her Annadaanam thittams, she has earned a good name from the UN, she has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, the people of TN is ready to welcome Madam JJ a.k.a amma again as the CM of TN. Even the MDMK volunteers wanted Vaiko to have an alliance with JJ and this alliance is termed to be strong against the DMK alliance and this alliance is going to win this election. If JJ comes to power then we can see some projects getting completed ahead of time which were announced in the last 2 to 3 years. The Mono rail/Metro rail project at Chennai has been delayed for no finance with the TN govt which was emptied by the then DMK government. Now the finances of TN Government is good. If DMK comes to power then again due to politics, Chennai will not come with the rail project. So this election AIADMK has to win at any cost.

Software engineer

It's getting hot

Mercury in Tamilnadu has shoot up because both summer and political campaigning started at a time. It is easy to campaign for Ms Jayalalitha because she did quite good governance. Mainly Law and order situation is very good comparing to other states. Chennai water problem has solved at its best. Even though transport facility has not improved she has not touched the tariff. To my knowledge, you cannot get this much less bill for electricity in India. Even if she comes power she will be forced to increase the tariff of bus and electricity. It became a boost for AIADMK that Mr Vaiko has come from DPA. His campaigning is very aggressive comparing to others. Both DMK and AIADMK has equal chances. It is quite a tough competition. Surprisingly, DMK manifesto has a unbelievable promises. All knows that the promises which he has give cannot be met like free Color TV, rice for 2 Rs, 2 acres of land to poor are just a fun!! It shows at any cost, they wanted to come to the power..

V Sendilkumar
Sr project manager

Both sides are same

Hi tamils..In this election in TN we can expect a ugly things to happen. In my view both the aliance are in same strenght ( AIADMK + got the power and DMK got the aliance strength). Also MDMK may lost its neutral votes because of their ccurrent decision. Hope god save TN and its politicians.

Software engineer

Where are Congress candidates?

With election fever approaching its peak in Tamil Nadu, Congress which is contesting in almost one-fifth of the seats in TN has not announced its list of candidates.

Congress is a part of DMK lead alliance in TN and has been alloted 48 seats.

Ironically, a 51 member team has been formed to select 48 candidates.

All the other parties, even DMDK (Vijayakant) and BJP have announced their list and kicked off thier campaign.

May be Congress will release its list on the eve of last day of nomination submission so that the factions (almost 51) will have see any point in fighting !!!

Ram Prasad
Business analyst

Too many stars, will it help?

Like ever before, Tamil Nadu this time witness a lot of stars foray into the politics and poll canvassing. Will it help any way?

The ruling ADMK government which is running short of the merits for which it can claim votes is simply relying on star powers it seems. That's a trick to attract the people they say. All the market-less actors made it their way into the party easily. I don't want to comment them anyway. But, how they speak in public matters concern.

Comedian Senthil, addresses 83 years old DMK Chief Karunanidhi as Karunanidhi and all. And some actors simply yap in the meetings.

It's pity for Vijayakanth. In politics you need to identify clearly who is your rival. But still, he has not identified his rival and speaks the same cinema dialogues everywhere.

But one thing is for sure. All these stars will vanish once the elections are over.

Graphic designer

BJP: Home Alone

In the ongoing elections in TN, BJP has been let alone by the regional parties.

It is well known fact that TN is graveyard for national parties. The regional parties (ADMK & DMK) have always needed the support of either of the national parites (Cong/BJP) to bridge the gap to victory. Once the elections are over they have always been let down by the regional parties.

Interestingly, only one of these parties have always been the favourites. BJP has been the favourite from 1998-04. Now, its Congress's turn and now BJP is left alone.

Unfazed by the royal treatment meted out to Congress (48 seats alloted as a part of DMK alliance !!) and by the fact that ADMK did not care to include them, BJP has decided to contest in some 180 odd seats.

To be frank, they will hardly make any impact in the elections. But, they are expected give sleepless night to the contestants in some star constituencies like Alandur, Anna Nagar where some BJP heavyweights have been pitted.

Ram Prasad
Business analyst

DMK will win

I hail from one of the well resourced states of southern india, but due to cinematic politics it has been ruined to the core by the dravidian groups of tamil nadu. i strongly believe that DMK will win this election for sure, as far as i have seen the golden period in tamilnadu urban developments was during 1996 to 2001 DMK rule, but DMK has a slender weakness of dynastic politics which i dont think wrong as the history of the world says most of the big leaders tried to promote their heirs to make the party more successful, their other drawback is division with MDMK, and though MDMK has not much say in TN, they can divide the vote share that DMK's alliance had, so leaving MDMK out of their alliance might be a  bit shakky, In general people of tamilnadu are known for reversing parties during every polls for the last one decade, so DMK is my favourite to win the assembly polls here.

Mechanical engineer

Jaya's clever seat allotment

Jayalalitha government is spending crores to the media for making false opinion poll surveys, which shows that she is going to retain the power in the state. Previously she was telling that she don't want any alliance and only people are her alliance. Then she opened the doors for opportunistic comedians like Vaiko and Thirumavalavan. Cleverly she allotted the seats to them where even her own party will bite the dust if they are in the fray. One of such constituency is Kurinjipadi in which Neyveli (NLC) falls. M R K Paneerselvam former DMK minister had nurtured this constituency very well and he is very well known to all. Even hardcore AIADMK supporter knows that they cannot win this seat whatever the price they fix for this seat. Just they are giving a token fight only and AIADMK cadres are not working for MDMK wholeheartedly. This is a strong hold of both DMK and PMK. More over being NLC in this constituency Communist and Congress votes will go to MRK. Pannerselvam who is going to retain this seat with a huge margin.


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